Think with Google & Case Forenom

Google julkaisi marraskuussa 2019 Think with Google -sivustollaan artikkelin asiakkaastamme Forenomista sekä meistä.

"We’ve been working with OIKIO for a few years now on a Nordic-level. I really appreciate their desire and ability to continuously improve our Paid Search setup. The insights they constantly bring to the table are a big help when deciding together what actions we want to take next. Being present in the search results is crucial for our business and together we continue to optimize for impressive results."

Michael Huotari, Head of Web Sales, Forenom

How digital agency OIKIO uses automation to work ‘smarter’ for its clients

Data is everywhere. The online world alone generates an estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes every single day1. And with ever-changing consumer behaviour, we’re on course to create even more. But the sheer amount of data makes it difficult to uncover actionable business insights.

Automation is doing its part to help make the workload lighter, but experienced teams are still needed in order to use the tool in an efficient way. So knowing how and when to use the tools is vital. That’s something Juha Viherväs, founding partner and Head of PPC at OIKIO Digital Performance Agency, understands.

“We don’t believe in making things ‘easier’, we avoid the term. But we do believe in working smarter,” says Viherväs.

The Finnish agency partners with clients to improve online campaigns with data and a strategy that focuses on innovation, transparency and machine learning. And with good reason — research from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) found that businesses that use a data-driven approach can save up to 30% in cost efficiency and increase revenue by 20%2.


OIKIO says it all starts with transparency. “We saw that companies were struggling to get involved with their digital marketing because they couldn’t fully grasp the mechanics.”

To bridge the gap, the agency set out to help clients understand more. “We aim to take the mystery out of performance marketing,” adds Viherväs. “It doesn’t have to be a black box.”

Openly discussing strategy and displaying data in a digestible way, without the jargon and unnecessary detail, allows marketers to be more engaged with their activities and feel open to trying new approaches. And that’s just the beginning.


Web-analytiikan, hakukoneoptimoinnin sekä mainontakanavien teknisen osuuden keskittäminen on mahdollistanut Lindströmille kustannustehokkaan tuloskeskeisen markkinoinnin asiantuntijapalveluiden ostamisen useilla eri markkinoilla. Lindström on pystynyt kasvattamaan globaalia digitaalista myyntiään järjestelmällisesti, koska erilaisten toimenpiteiden tuloksia on pystytty todentamaan jatkuvasti web-analytiikan keinoin. Maantieteellisesti laajalti ulottuvalle mutta kuitenkin perinteikkäälle perheyhtiölle isoin muutos on tapahtunut ihmisissä, joille on avautunut yhteistyön myötä uusia mahdollisuuksia ja näkemystä, miten kilpailu voitetaan digitaalisen markkinoinnin ja mainonnan keinoin alati muuttuvissa markkinatilanteissa ympäri maailman.

Pinpointing improvement with OptiScore

Forenom, a leading Nordic serviced apartment provider, came to OIKIO in June 2017 eager to grow. The company serves over 200,000 travellers every year and offers 7,800 accommodations in all major Scandinavian cities.

The agency worked with Forenom to establish how they could use Search to help them achieve their objectives. “It’s not about one-way reporting, but rather discussing new ideas and exchanging information,” says Viherväs.

With constantly changing complex accounts, they chose the OptiScore Tool to monitor any opportunities that would help optimise on a day-to-day basis. The score gives a quick, estimated impact of the recommendation on overall campaign metrics.

OIKIO took their campaign management even further by building customised scripts of their own to optimise according to Forenom’s inventory levels. In addition, they used Smart Bidding to reach and understand the users more likely to book an apartment.

“We believe Smart Bidding benefits from having additional supporting automations to go along with it,” says Viherväs. By infusing the client’s backend data with Smart Bidding, they were able to create a more predictive model and bring in more reservations.

Forenom hit new records in paid search performance, with revenue from Google Ads increasing 112% YoY and ROAS by 71%.

“The insights OIKIO brings to the table are a big help when deciding what actions we want to take next,” explains Michael Huotari, Head of Web Sales at Forenom. “Being visible in search is crucial for our business, and together we continue to optimise for impressive results.”

Forenomin esittely

Forenom on Pohjoismaiden johtava kalustettujen asuntojen tarjoaja, joka keskittyy vahvasti yritysasiakkaisiin. Valikoimaan kuuluu yli 7800 kalustettua asuntoa, huoneistohotellia ja hostellihuonetta Pohjoismaiden kaikissa suurissa kaupungeissa, ja Forenom majoittaa vuosittain yli 200 000 matkailijaa. Tutustu tarkemmin osoitteessa

Think with Google

Think with Google on Googlen ylläpitämä sivusto, jossa Google julkaisee sisältöjä liittyen markkinointiin ja digitalisaatioon. Artikkelin alkuperäinen lähde: Think with Google: How digital agency OIKIO uses automation to work ‘smarter’ for its clients